Finding balance through self-care
Self-care by far is my favorite topic because I find it high on my priority list. Many parents, especially mothers, are typically caretakers. We burn ourselves out making sure our children are well cared for, our partner feels loved, our co-workers and friends have our attention and our employer is satisfied. Not to mention who doesn’t love a well-balanced, home cooked meal and a clean house. Taking on too many responsibilities without enough support from others, can leave us feeling drained and unappreciated. No wonder many parents feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and downright miserable.
I am going to state the obvious – You cannot take care of others if you do not first take care of yourself. Why is something that is so obvious and simple so hard for many people? For those that are not good about self-care, is it because of guilt? You don’t feel like you deserve it? You feel selfish? You don’t see how you can fit self-care into your overwhelmingly busy life? You don’t know how to ask for help? Without self-care, you are at a higher risk of burnout. Feeling burnout can cause so many other challenges you may already be experiencing. Some of the signs of burnout are feeling tired and drained most of the time, frequent illnesses, headaches, feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, resentful, and loss of motivation. When you feel overworked and undervalued, you are at risk of burnout.
You may be to the point that it is difficult to imagine anything different or how to make any positive changes. If you are experiencing these challenges, it is time to listen to yourself and begin to change the course you are on. Recognizing the signs is a start in the right direction. Reaching out for support is one of the most effective ways to start helping yourself. Find positive people who will listen to you without judgement. Opening up does not make you a burden to others, but those who care for you will be honored to listen to you. Avoid negative people that drain you. Along that same thinking, replace negative thoughts with positive thinking. This is hard if you tend to always think the worst. Read positive and inspirational material. Consider the consequences of negativity.
Imagine what self-care means to you. Try to fit in small things where you can: breathe deeply, eat well, stay hydrated, strive for more sleep, express gratitude daily, hug your loved ones, look for the good in others, learn to say no, go for a walk, self-reflect. Practice self-care even if you start with 10 minutes a day. Self-care gives us the energy, strength, and resiliency to keep going. This is not being selfish! Do more of what makes you feel good and brings you energy and do less of what drains you. YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON! Love yourself.
I wish you joy, peace, and balance.