Change Takes Courage
Who doesn’t like a challenge? Not everyone embraces challenges and may even avoid them. I have learned from the individuals I have worked with over the years that they face many challenges. I was teaching a class to individuals with disabilities and asked for any class ideas and one of my individuals asked for a class on “courage”. Of course, I developed a class on “Being Courageous” and realized it took courage to ask for such a class. Ask for what you need or want! It is important to surround yourself with people who believe in you, encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, and build you up. In order to change and accepts challenges, you will need to believe in yourself and have confidence. Yes, we all have some fear and may reject taking risks. However, facing our fears and giving something new or hard a try, is a step in the right direction. My focus is on teaching these skills – being courageous; self-advocating; building up confidence; surrounding yourself with people who spark your energy, not zap it! To make a positive change in your life, you will need to challenge yourself. How can you challenge yourself?