Bigger Vision services empowers parents and individuals with disabilities to boost potential, see possibilities, and gain a sense of freedom. These services below are open to anyone interested in imagining a Bigger Vision.
Steps to Seeing Possibilities includes learning about yourself and your strengths and abilities; gaining self-confidence and improving self-esteem; handling change; tackling stress and how to develop new skills to be calm, cool and collected; enhancing communications skills; learning how to make meaningful connections; being courageous; learning self-advocacy skills; and increasing motivation. Classes are 60-minute sessions. Cost is $50 (1:1) or $40 (Group).
8 Steps to Seeing Possibilities includes challenging your beliefs; taking charge of your life; discovering your Spark team; loving yourself; and breaking obstacles standing in the way of the life you want to live. Coaching services are 1:1 for 60-minute sessions for 8 weeks. Cost is $400 ($50/session).
*Full payment is required before sessions are scheduled. If using Self-Direction funds, Coach will submit invoice to Fiscal Intermediary after each session for payment. Confirmation from Fiscal Intermediary to ensure funds are approved and available is required.
Together we can discover your inner strength and work towards thriving. These sessions are an investment in yourself, and forward movement towards your vision. Become more of who you want to be with a BIGGER VISION.